Articles Written By: Kevin Fawley

What’s Going On In January

The weather might be cold, even freezing, so you might want to stay bundled up inside. However, all the wonderful happenings right by your Batch Yard luxury apartment will keep your spirit warm! 

Explore all the concerts, performances, and shows taking place this month. From the hilarious Jessica Kirson, to Comedy and Cabernet, to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, to Taylor Swift Tribute Night, live performances are in full swing this January. 

January is also the month of the 2023 Boston Wine and Food Festival. Which will feature an array of events, at the five-star Boston Harbor Hotel. Events such as wine dinners, pop-up tastings, master class seminars, and more. This year, the event has partnered with two incredible non-profit organizations, The Greater Boston Food Bank and James Beard Foundation. 

And still, there’s more! Want to travel? Sign up for the 2023 Boston Travel & Adventure Show. Have a sweet tooth? Then The Chocolate Expo 2023 is all you could ever want. Looking for a night of laughs? How about a Stand-Up Comedy Show in Hidden Tiki Bar? We have you covered.

There is always something exciting to do, see, and experience when you’re so close to the city of Boston!

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Winter Holidays

The chilly winter month of December is filled with celebrations, parties, and holidays all around the world. Some are filled with solemn traditions while others focus on fun and frolic. 

Hanukkah: While the exact dates change every year, this is an eight-day Jewish holiday. Those who celebrate light a special candle holder called a menorah. They do this to remember an ancient miracle in which one day’s worth of oil burned for eight. 

Winter Solstice: This year the winter solstice takes place on December 21st, which will be the shortest day of 2022. People all over the world celebrate with festivals and celebrations. 

Christmas: This Christian holiday is celebrated annually on December 25th. In the US the holiday centers around spending time with family and exchanging gifts. Festivities in Ireland tend to be more religious, and celebrations last until the 6th of January. 

Kwanzaa: A holiday based on ancient African harvest festivals which celebrate the ideals of family life and unity. Celebrated from December 26th through January 1st. 

No matter what holiday, or holidays, you celebrate, we wish you a very happy, healthy, safe, relaxing, and fun holiday season! Happy holidays!

Thankful for Thanksgiving

It’s more than eating turkey, watching football, and taking naps! 

Thanksgiving is a national United States holiday that takes place every third Thursday of November, this year on November 24th.

The first Thanksgiving dates back to 1621, when the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn feast. Then, for more than two centuries, Thanksgiving was celebrated on different days by the US colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. 

According to the National Turkey Federation, 90% of American households eat turkey for Thanksgiving- whether it be roasted, baked, or deep-fried. Other traditional foods include stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. 

Parades have also become a common aspect of the holiday. Presented by Macy’s department store since 1924, New York City’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is the largest and most famous, attracting up to 3 million in-person spectators along its 2.5-mile route and drawing an enormous television viewing crowd. 

As in the name, Thanksgiving is dedicated to giving thanks. So, this year take an extra moment to figure out what you are most grateful for.